A downloadable asset pack

This template is for unity, and allows programmers to make RPGs similar to shining in the darkness, or wizardry with plenty of freedom to mess around within the code. This program is for unity, and should work on almost every pc, and can possibly be ported to consoles. Of course currently any issues can be raised in the discussion boards and I will develop a FAQ for the most commonly asked questions.

Also, this project can be used commerically with no payment required to me, nor is there any obligations you have to me for using this, as this is effectively in a creative commons liscense. Although attributing me for the work is appreciated to help spread this to any future developers. All assets in this template are of public domain. The tiles are set to 512 x 512 pixels


Rpg template 1.0.zip 591 MB

Install instructions

Note: in order to use this effectively, you must have unity editor, specifically 2021 version, and of course the easiest way you will have to access it is to find it in your downloads and open project through unity hub.

Development log